Since the late 1990s, the annual economic growth of Cambodia has been 8.5. percent with a significant portion of that economic growth has been attributed to tourism. Other growth areas include agriculture and manufacturing. Even though there has been significant economic growth, Cambodia still remains one of the poorest countries of South East Asia. With the physical attributes of mountains in the north, the world’s 10th largest river in the south and the largest lake in South East Asia, Cambodia has the natural resources that contribute to tourism development. It is difficult to understand Cambodia without knowing a bit of the history. Of particular impact during the period 1975 to 1979, more than a million Cambodian were killed and buried by the Khmer Rouge regime. Many who perished were of the educated and artistic classes.
Food Tourism Social
The traditional food of Cambodia is Cambodia also has great tourism potential Through social entrepreneurship,
Khmer cuisine. A meal is generally. based on its significant cultural heritage organizations seize the opportunities
one dish with a combination of herbs, which includes traditional arts, architectural. to improve systems, invent new
leaves, spices, edible flowers, pickled features, historical sites and natural wonders, approaches, and create new solutions
vegetables and dipping sauces. Rice is flora and wildlife. to change society for the better.
a staple and part of every meal. Social
entrepreneurship in the restaurant
industry are common.