
The Orchards of Labourdonnais

This 50 acre garden can be navigated by foot or by mountain bike and features fruit trees and exotic flowers.

The goal of the location is to provide an authentic experience. There are fruit trees on the property which proved fruit to make a variety of canned products.  In addition, the sugar cane grown here is distilled into various levels of quality rum products.  Here is a link to the website

Here is another link to the Orchards:


Black River Gorge

This park is one of the main ecotourism attractions of the island in that it is a 8000 ha location which is a refuge for threatened wildlife and flora.

Domain de l’Etoile

You will find lush vegetation and nature in this 2000 acre estate that offers hikes, archery, horse riding, quad biking and an adventure park for kids. 

The Seven Colored Earths of Chamarel


The Seven Colored Earths of Chamarel is the main tourist attraction of Mauritius and still mystifies geologists. The natural formation shows seven colors of variation from ocher to brown, red, purple, green and yellow. 

All the soluble elements such as silicon dioxide have been washed out and have left reddish-black iron and aluminum oxides creating shades of purple and blue.  If you mix the colors, they will naturally separate out into their respective colors.  A fence protects this area and tourists are not allowed to walk on it. They can purchase vials of these sands in the gift shop.


Home to Two UNESCO sites

Long known as an upscale luxury destination with white sand beaches, turquoise lagoons and 5 star resorts, Mauiritis is now beginning to feature green tourism and other aspects of its natural environment.

There are twoUNESCO sites on this790 square mile island.  Morne Brabant and Aapravasi Ghaat (Immigation Depot) featuring nature preserves and parks.   

Here is the guide to these two UNESCO site in Mauritius.

The photo shows white sand beach near Le Morne Brabant mountain, Mauritius.