Tourism Articles, Books and Chapters

Art tourism

Stoddard, J.E., M.R. Evans & X.Shao (2012). Marketing arts and craft:  Exploring the connection between hedonic consumption, distribution channels and tourism.  International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration.  13, 95-108.

Scares, T.J. (2003).  Precarious production: Globalization and artisan labor in the Third World.  Third World Quarterly. 24 (3), 449-461.

Climate change and tourism

Scott, D. (2010).  Why sustainable tourism must address climate change.  Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 19(10), 17-34.

Weaver, D. (2011).  Can sustainable tourism survive climate change?  Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 19(1), 5-15.

Cultural Issues in Tourism

Petroman, I. (2013).  Types of cultural tourism. Scientific Papers Animal Science and Biotechnologies, 46 (1), 385-388.

Silberberg, T. (1995).  Cultural tourism and business opportunities for museums and heritage sites.  Tourism Management. 16(5), 361-365.

Dark Tourism

Stone, P. R. (2006). A dark tourism spectrum: Towards a typology of death and macabre related tourist sites, attractions and exhibitions. Turizam: znanstveno-stručni časopis54(2), 145-160.

Disney Tourism

Souther, J. (2007). The Disneyfication of New Orleans: The French Quarter as facade in a divided city. Journal Of American History, 94(3), 804-811.

Matusitz, J.  (2010). Disneyland Paris: a case analysis demonstrating how glocalization works. Journal of Strategic Marketing. 18(3), 223-237.

Newell, Lauren A. ( March 19, 2013). Mickey Goes to France: A Case Study of the Euro Disneyland Negotiations. Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution, Vol. 15, 2013. Available at SSRN:

Green tourism

Aulakh, D, (2012).  Green marketing: Think before you act: A primer for businesses ready to share their sustainability story.   888 Station Street, Herndon, VA 20170. www. Sustainability

Psychographics and motivations of tourists

Litvin, S.W. & W.W. Smith (2016). A new perspective on the Plog psychographic system.  Journal of Vacation Marketing. 22(2), 89-97.

Muangasame, K. ( Spring, 2014). Are Butler’s Tourism Area Life Cycle and Plog’s Psychographic Model Correct? Tourismos: An International Multidisciplinary Journal of Tourism.  9(1), 207-221.

McKercher, B. (2015).  Destinations as products? A reflection on Butler’s life cycle. Tourism Recreation Research. 30(3) 97-102.

Social issues in tourism

 Curley, M. (2014). Combating Child Sex Tourism in South‐east Asia: Law Enforcement Cooperation and Civil Society Partnerships. Journal of law and society41(2), 283-314.

 Sutainable tourism

Transforming our world:  The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

FAO Sustainable Development Goals,

United National Development Program Sustainable Development Goals.pdf

Henderson, J.C. (2010 ). New visitor attractions in Singapore and sustainable destination development. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes. 2 (3). 251-26 .


 Tourism Podcasts

Tourism Videos

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